Перевод: faggot
[существительное] пидор [сл.] ; гомосексуалист ; педик [сл.] ; гей ; вязанка хвороста; охапка хвороста; пук прутьев; связка ; фашина ; фашинник ; запеченная и приправленная рубленая печенка; гомик [сл.] ; кикимора ; [глагол] вязать хворост в вязанки; связывать; делать мережку
- I know you're a faggot and everything but I'll tell you what the problem is: you just never met the right guy.
- I once saw this same beseeching looseness of eye and mouth in the face of a ragged little faggot on Sunset Boulevard, scorched and peed-on and limping back for more.
- My new fedora and Hamlet cigar accessories, more fitting to a winning manager than my old tartan pom-pom cap and ounce of Old Holborn, made me unrecognisable to most of the supporters and the nearest I received to a compliment came from a director who suggested I "stick a faggot up my backside and clear off".
- rows faggot stitched together
- John had taken a faggot from the pile outside the shop and, while he waited for Thomas Pearman to depart on his regular afternoon round, he had cut and whittled the faggot into an easily manageable cudgel.
- Here too you find the heavy faggot hangouts, the Spike, the Water Closet, the Mother Load.
- faggot stitch
- There was cold faggot with apple chutney, home made of course.
- She's a dirty old faggot, but she's got a good heart when you know where to look for it.
- "Faggot sandwiches," came the reply.
- Terms such as "faggot" may be unacceptable to polite society in this age of political correctness, but clearly nothing has altered what goes on in the privacy of the popular conscience.
- I doublebacked through the faggot district, Christopher Street.