Перевод: familiar
[прилагательное] близкий; интимный; хорошо знакомый; хорошо знающий; осведомленный; обычный; привычный; фамильярный; панибратский; бесцеремонный; [существительное] близкий друг
- More familiar in post-war years were the streamlined railcoaches, workhorses of the Blackpool fleet, which provided a six-minute service in the season.
- Round her shoulders was a crocheted shawl, and over her knees the familiar little cover made from knitted woollen squares.
- He returns to his familiar theme of the need to study issues in depth and to do all the necessary homework.
- The 20-ft-square Green Room is walled with dressing rooms full of Snow White, Prince Charming, the Narrator, the Gipsy Queen, Catsmeat - the Red Queen's familiar - and eight of the Seven Dwarfs.
- How familiar does that cry sound?
- Poems of the Past and the Present (1901, dated 1902) was more warmly received, partly because some of the Boer War poems - distinguished in one commentator's eyes for dwelling "not on the glory, but on the piteousness of the struggle" - were already familiar through the newspapers.
- IF I HAD to design a retreat for winter-weary travellers who want familiar hotels but in a different civilisation, I'd invent Marrakech.
- However, notation is simply a way of naming things and every field has its own specialised words and jargon, so the basic idea is really familiar to most people.
- He predicts that computers of the future will process knowledge, not numbers, using symbolic inferences, as in the familiar syllogism: all birds can fly; budgie is a bird; then budgie can fly.
- Memories of long waits in countless English corridors made it familiar.
- Another is the notion of effectiveness in the NHS which has no familiar bottom line measures of success for the businessman newcomer to authorities.
- In a similar fashion caffeine became a familiar component of all kinds of tonics and "health drinks", once it had been isolated from the coffee bean.
- On 30 June 1921 these elements coalesced and he suddenly saw that familiar landscape with new eyes.