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Перевод: feed speek feed

загрузочный; кормовой;
питание; кормление; корм ; фураж ; порция ; дача (корма) ; устройство подачи; пища ; еда ; выгон ; пастбище; подача ; подача материала; поданный материал;
кормить; накормить; покормить; покормиться; питать; поддерживать; задавать корм; пасти; кормиться; скармливать; питаться; пастись; нанимать; платить гонорар; снабжать водой; снабжать сырьем; снабжать топливом; подавать [тех.]; нагнетать


  1. Rye may be grown as a zing crop or for threshing for human or animal feed.
  2. I always fear for the fingers of the Portuguese works who feed these strips through the punching machines that make the corks, deftly guiding faults in the strip away from the cutter.
  3. Their numerous wingless progeny weaken and distort young plant growth as they feed, spread virus diseases and produce sticky honeydew which disfigures leaves and encourages sooty mould.
  4. Cereal crops - wheat, barley, oats, rye, maize, or "dredge" mixtures - may be grown for a variety of reasons: for the sale of grain for milling, malting, or animal feed; for home bread-making; for feeding one's own livestock either threshed and rolled or on the straw; for grazing as a green crop; for arable silage; for ploughing in to increase fertility; or for the sale of thatching straw.
  5. There are three basic types of fixed dispenser the swivel, the lift pump and the gravity feed.
  6. Prevailing weather conditions dictate if and where in a lake carp will feed.
  7. Vampires, as is well known, feed on blood at night.
  8. The Wales LFAs (all designated under Article 3(4)) according to MAFF, are all suitable for extensive livestock production but not for crops, apart from those necessary to feed livestock maintained on the land.
  9. She sought out the darkest room and even then closed the shutters, though it was only early morning, and lay on her bed without energy even to feed her son.
  10. Dr David Clark, Labour's agriculture spokesman, said: "It was entirely irresponsible of the ministry to allow farmers for nearly a week to feed contaminated material to animals.
  11. Lough Melvin in Ireland has three sub-populations of the brown trout-Ferox, Gillaroo and Sonaghen - and although these feed together in the same lake they return to separate rivers to breed as adults and so the different sub-populations are maintained.
  12. Then the mill acted as something of a milling centre, grinding corn and animal feed for surrounding parishes that lacked milling capabilities or, like Eastington, whose mills had long been turned over to the woollen trade.
  13. After I introduced the hemp earlier the fish seemed to go off the feed so I only introduced it for four or five casts.

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