Перевод: feel
[существительное] осязание; ощущение; вкус ; чутье; [глагол] трогать; щупать; пощупать; испробовать на ощупь; осязать; шарить; искать ощупью; ощупывать; прощупывать; прощупываться; чувствовать; почувствовать; быть чувствительным; ощущать; испытать; тонко воспринимать; переживать; остро воспринимать; полагать; считать; предчувствовать
- (How can you feel better than terrific?)
- I coped at the time but now, five years on, I feel guilty and resentful about the whole affair.
- She said, as she was lying there, "I feel, Dame Edna, I can talk about anything to you and I've never had this experience before when I've tried to talk to people.
- But I did feel out of touch and missed what was often a superficial but nevertheless very sustaining daily relationship."
- It is my experience that many students of English Literature with good A-level results dislike poetry, or at least feel baffled by it, and can go through a three-year degree course without this attitude being radically changed.
- How would you feel if someone flew more than halfway around the world to say to you, "I am at a loss.
- "It may feel a little uncomfortable," she had said, "but once we all feel confident about what we're doing, we'll let you loose on Nathan, which should complete the sequence."
- The lesson of the story is clear: re-established in Downing Street, John Major may feel he has steered the British political system away from contamination by the international.
- In the warm sunlight, I feel with certainty that my world is expanding and my mind with it.
- No longer does the diesel driver need to feel disadvantaged.
- Winnie sat in the far corner of the pub; a twilighted place and the sawdust thick for the feel of sand.
- We feel the savage assault and the cold breath of the infinite that causes this frost of many colours and the stilling of the images, with its beauty.
- Feel it touch every part of you.