Перевод: field
[прилагательное] полевой; [существительное] поле; луг ; большое пространство; пространство; равнина ; спортивная площадка; все участники состязания; все, за исключением сильнейших; месторождение; поле боя; поле сражения; поле действия; область ; сфера деятельности; поприще; сфера наблюдения; возбуждение; фон ; грунт ; [глагол] принимать мяч; сушить на открытом воздухе; выдвигать; делать ставку; отвечать экспромтом; выпустить игроков на поле
- The worst one can fairly say is that in some scenes - the Andril ones, the Field of Cormallen, the eagle's song - Tolkien underestimated his audience's resistance and reached too hastily for the sublime or the impressive.
- Also in the field of twenty-nine were previous winners Early Mist (1953) and Royal Tan, who at the age of twelve started at 28-;1 to repeat his 1954 victory.
- The power and wide-ranging applications of mathematics quickly gave it recognition as a discipline in its own right, whose theorems have now been brought to bear on problems in every field of knowledge.
- Despite their expertise in such field craft, though, there was a limit to the area the Australians could control, and they had to send more men south to protect their supply line from the coast.
- The World Cup leader, Ole Christian Furuseth of Norway, finished down the field but remained top of the standings on 118 points.
- Houston's Ian Haufield missed a field goal with one second left, but Washington's Chip Lohmiller sealed victory with a similar attempt from 43 yards.
- One winding functions as an excitation coil in which current flowing creates a field to magnetise the core in alternate directions.
- If field trials are successful the Dracula hormone pill could be on the market by 1996.
- Ken Marsh's The way the new technology works (Century, pp 240. 6.95) is potentially the most useful of the three, because of its narrower field.
- Dawn broke as the field passed through a shuttered Bridgetown, and I began to pass through the field.
- What is incontestable is that Mr Stewart's conduct during the whole affair was entirely unbecoming of a representative of a national sports, and his claim that the TVNZ cameraman was obstructing the removal of David Lawrence from the field of play was proved by television evidence to be false.
- Mr Davies has worked hard to affiliate 15 TGWU branches, and has written a pamphlet attacking Mr Field's views on social policy.
- As with replacements, there would be a maximum number allowed and, unlike rugby league, once a player has left the field he cannot return.