Перевод: fiend
[существительное] дьявол ; демон ; злодей ; изверг ; бес ; человек, пристрастившийся к вредной привычке; человек, отличающийся редкой целеустремленностью
- The fiend Apollyon, whom Christian slays, is the Devil, who had whispered blasphemies into Bunyan's ears when he was young.
- She hid in bushes while the fiend ran to the central reservation before losing sight of her and driving off.
- Drag fiend dragnet
- Michael is what used to be known as a righteous dope fiend.
- He didn't move until John's hand smote his weak shoulder, and John's voice said, with desperate hoarseness, "You thrawn God-damned fiend of a Fleming!"
- Linda Evangelista is, for the real fashion fiend, The Model of 1989.
- He fought like a fiend, but made not a sound.
- I say this because I am anxious that having decided to reject the modernist notion that there is no Devil - and therefore no Christian dualism - we should not be tempted to fall into the opposite error of conceiving our adversary as no more than a fiend.
- then lies him down, the Lubbard Fiend
- Raynor becomes a coke fiend himself while Cates hovers perilously close.
- You travel from place to place trying to avoid Mad Shopping Women and their trolleys, a Suburban Lawn-Mower Fiend, a Dentist of Destruction, and numerous other warped creations.
- After waiting two years on the back-burner for Batmania to boil itself dry Clean and Sober is finally getting a UK release, allowing Michael Keaton to do his twitching and snorting coke fiend routine without risk of dirtying the caped crusader's pristine image.
- You didn't see the frightful fiend, but that didn't mean it wasn't there.