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Перевод: flak speek flak

зенитная артиллерия; зенитный огонь


  1. I wondered whether the flak was accurate and thought of the people fifteen thousand feet above us in Wellingtons, Stirlings and Hampdens, eating chocolate and plotting their track or weaving desperately and praying like tiny panic-stricken children.
  2. "Most of us were standing by the control tower when the Fortress guns opened up to the Northward, and coming through the Flak we saw a series of black dots approaching directly towards us and as they closed we recognised them as yellow-nosed Me109s.
  3. "You were shot down by flak.
  4. I heard the word "flak" repeated several times, but otherwise understood nothing at all.
  5. The Met Office, naturally, came in for its usual rounds of flak through the unpredictability of the English weather.
  6. Perhaps this was what those few loud-mouthed rabbit-eyed creatures who dropped their bombs at the first flak and then came back and talked about the target area had felt like.
  7. Mick Ronson: "At the time when that story came out, my family in Hull took a lot of flak about it because they'd never even heard about it up there.
  8. They could fly above the flak and outstrip most German fighters.
  9. I think it's great and I have every sympathy for you copping all the flak from the readers who don't like it.
  10. It's a thankless task then, because despite having become the most successful band of the time, you pick up flak for the next album not working commercially.
  11. As well as steering the Elwes report through all the flak, the ISE's new chief executive, Mr Peter Rawlins, has to oversee a reorganisation of the exchange's businesses.
  12. Flak jackets and helmets are hastily pulled on as the team race out to their vehicles.
  13. Nevertheless, by posing questions rather than serving up morals, he's caught some flak from simple-minded gay critics.

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