Перевод: fume
[существительное] дым ; пар ; пары ; испарение; сильный запах; дым с сильным запахом; пар с сильным запахом; возбуждение; приступ гнева; [глагол] окуривать; коптить; дымить; испаряться; морить; волноваться; раздражаться; петушиться; кипеть от злости; сердиться; курить благовониями; курить
- Fume cupboards .
- This addition complements Labspace's existing business in the manufacture of lab furniture, fume cupboards and associated equipment.
- Not only does it increase building fabric losses, but it also increases losses through fume cupboards and open windows.
- The bell-laden streets were haunted by the fume of roasting chestnuts.
- Regulations over smoke, grit, dust and fume emissions will also be tightened.
- Once again keeping fume cupboards doors closed to the threshold level will minimise this energy loss, as will switching off those that are not needed.
- It is important to identify which fume cupboards need to operate overnight, and closing the fume cupboard door to the threshold level will allow low speed operation of two speed systems.
- The wines include Le Bonheur Blanc Fume (Sauvignon Blanc) from Stellenbosch which is unwooded with a fresh, grassy character; Fleur du Cap Chenin Blanc Sec (crisp and fruity); Witzenberg Emerald Stein (semi-sweet Fleur du Cap); and Roodebloem from the Bergkelder or "mountain cellars" of Stellenbosch.
- The extraction of expensively heated warm air from the laboratory through fume cupboards is another area of concern.
- In hard hats and protective glasses, we walked past the huge "fume cupboard" where the most noxious barrels are opened, and arrived at the vast, closed mouth of the furnace itself.
- The problem of fume cupboards is a sensitive area and it may be argued that health and safety considerations are in conflict with energy efficiency.
- Fume cupboards may be manually operated or on a time clock control.
- These are for use where dust, gas or fume emissions reach levels that are harmful.