Перевод: fur
[прилагательное] меховой; пушной; [существительное] шерсть ; шкура ; мех ; пушнина ; меховые изделия; пушной зверь; налет ; налет на языке; осадок ; накипь ; [глагол] отделывать мехом; подбивать мехом; счищать накипь; обшивать рейками; обшивать дранью; обшивать досками
- "Routine is the enemy of art" is the wisest remark fur every artist to digest.
- To the adult pet cat living with human companions, its owner's hand is a symbolic "mother's tongue" tugging at or smoothing its fur.
- This can be easily recognised if Bizet's music for Carmen is compared with De Falla's fur The Three-Cornered Hat .
- Motor cycles and scooters, clothes, records, and football expenses accounted fur most of the new disposable income.
- Well, I don't believe that fur a start.
- Christ identifies with us, and in the garden of Gethsemane he cries out of loneliness fur us.
- "'E's a spry ole thing, but he's as soft as butter, ent you, ole boy?" and he knelt down and ruffled his fur.
- Apparently the town grew some centuries ago out of the winter quarters of Ivan Pokhabov who established a post at Irkutsk to collect a fur tax from the Buriats, the fur-trapping natives.
- In 1811, the ragged remnants of an expedition from John Jacob Astor's Pacific Fur Company sought refuge among the Nez Perce, and were guided safely to Fort Astoria on the lower Columbia.
- The door in the corner opened, and Smallfry swept into the room wearing a glossy black costume with white fur trims and decorated combs in her hair.
- Blackness, warm and friendly as Wolf's fur, the only warmth he'd ever had.
- Years of dust and cobwebs had settled on their fur and skin and they all seemed to be snarling or growling.
- Its fur was arranged in punkish spikes.