Перевод: gang
[существительное] бригада рабочих; группа ; партия ; смена ; артель ; банда ; шайка ; орава ; ватага ; компания ; набор ; комплект ; [глагол] организовать бригаду; организовать шайку; вступить в шайку; идти
- This combination of fights, action and music proved equally unstoppable (and profitable) right through the '70s, Roundtree slugging his way through a TV series and a couple of further movies, stopping, at one point, to gain the vocal assistance of The Four Tops as he blasted a gang of unfortunate slave traders.
- Bono is derived from some gang name he acquired during a recent delinquent youth.
- The Guangming Daily had carried an article on 4 June, stating that, "a gang of ruffians violently beat a Beijing University postgraduate to death."
- It was not uncommon during production, for police helicopters to circle above nearby houses, for gang members to object that actors were wearing an opposing gang's colours, or for police cars to speed past the set in hot pursuit.
- The arrest of the "Gang of Four" in October 1976 eliminated them from the power struggle.
- Yet, in 1989, according to the FBI, only 15% of all murder victims were related to their killers; 39% were "acquainted" with their murderers, but this figure would include, say, a drug dealer killed by a fellow gang member, or even a police officer murdered by a suspect whom he or she had once arrested.
- We were stopped by what Paddy described as a gang of "armed bandolieroed henchmen".
- At this time, the Rayles were being plagued by a large gang known as the Wokingham Blacks.
- A GANG of football fans burned down their arch rivals' ground after watching their team lose, a court was told yesterday.
- There was one based on Proust and one based on Zola, and the winner was about the ghosts of a haunted house being disturbed by an estate agent and a gang of would-be mortgage slaves.
- BARCLAYS Bank executive Simon Culling was subjected to a horrifying ordeal at gunpoint after the gang burst in to his home.
- One group, the art college or trendy mods, developed a style of dress that became increasingly resplendent, while the other group, the hard mods, or the gang mods, developed into the skinheads.
- The gang then went to his home and shot his aged mother.