Перевод: gardener
[существительное] садовник ; садовод ; огородник
- He removed them when he first came since they would not shut because, as old Mr Abbott the gardener explained, "not once but twice Mr Betjeman reversed out of the garage without opening the doors, and when charged with stupidity, made the excuse that on both occasions he was wearing a sou'wester."
- A banquet could evidently develop into a nasty clash between the cook and the gardener.
- They have also become successful co-authors through their book - entitled The Radio Kent Gardener's Guide
- Two pairs of legs per segment, compared with one for centipedes, the gardener's allies.
- He works till lunch, then wanders into the kitchen and has long argument with Tony, or perhaps a discussion about the best way to cook trout or whether or not to sack the gardener.
- Philip Miller, always conscious of economy, recognised that a concise, cheaper form would find a ready sale with the average gardener.
- He was followed by Richard Pratt in 1677, whose salary of 30 a year warranted an experienced gardener.
- Don't miss an exhibition on the life and work of Reginald Farrer, botanist, gardener and plant explorer, at Lancaster University's Peter Scott Gallery, July 15-Aug 9, 12-;5pm Monday to Friday
- The embassy gardener is said to be planning "to start again'.
- The Gardener's and Florist's Dictionary of 1724 can be regarded as Philip Miller's first contribution to garden literature.
- Diligent French missionaries, like Pre Nicholas d'Incarville in the Far East and others in Canada and South America collected many plants, seeds of which were sent to Chelsea by Claude Richard, the King's Gardener.
- exceed all the others in Europe for wholesome produce and a variety of Herbs are those at the Neat-Houses near Tuttle-fields, Westminster, which abound in Salads, early Cucumbers, Colliflowers, Melons, Winter Asparagus and almost every Herb fitting the Table; and I think there is no where so good a school for a Kitchen Gardener as this place: tho' Battersea affords the largest natural Asparagus and the earliest Cabbages.