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Перевод: gorge speek gorge

обжорство; пробка ; пресыщение; то, что съедено; то, что проглочено; ущелье; узкое ущелье; затор ; нагромождение; теснина ; горло; глотка ; пасть ; зоб ; выкружка ; горжа ;
глотать; жадно глотать; жадно поглощать; есть с жадностью; объедаться


  1. Industrial heritage is the highlight of Ironbridge Gorge in Shropshire and the Black Country Museum in Dudley, working museums demonstrating the skills of the 18th and 19th centuries.
  2. It is well worth visiting just as a tourist or to do the five-hour walk along the bottom of the gorge.
  3. The path through the still narrowing gorge by now had frequent ladders and sometimes chains so we could steady ourselves as we climbed crystal clear waterfalls - some stopped in motion, still under the all-encompassing spell of the powerful winter ice.
  4. As the warriors turned to fight, Joseph hurried the helpless ones towards the gorge into which Canyon Creek ran.
  5. Most climbers park at the Belvedere de la Carelle , a viewing point on the loop road that follows the rim of the gorge and ends at the little village of La Palud.
  6. 1-;19 October Analysing Historic Buildings and Landscapes course at Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust, Ironbridge, Telford, Shropshire.
  7. For one thing, there is a tremendous amount of scrubland nearby - especially on the flanks of the Cheddar Gorge - and this acts as a reservoir for foxes.
  8. Facilities for morning coffee and afternoon teas are very limited in the Gorge and opportunities exist for the Valley Hotel to service individual tourists and coach tours.
  9. Once through the gorge you are into the valley of Clapdale with its tourist trappings of grottoes, nature trails and Ingleborough Cave which Walter White, in his 1858 book, A Month in Yorkshire , referred to as a "Glittering Fairy Palace".
  10. From Grindelwald, you can also walk the glacier gorge and actually walk inside the upper glacier.
  11. No 86427 The Industrial Society and 87005 City of London head south through the Lune Gorge with a Mossend-;severn Tunnel Junction steel coil train on 23 February 1988 .
  12. But when I mentioned that there was a legendary tunnel that ran from the battlements of Beaufort down through the sheer rock to the bottom of the Litani gorge, they leapt to their feet and bounded up one of the staircases.
  13. Wendy and I felt our gorge rise, and simply could not eat.

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