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Перевод: grassland speek grassland

сенокосное угодье; луг ; пастбище


  1. Festuca ovina - Agrostis capillaris - Galium saxatile grassland (siliceous grassland).
  2. Widespread concern over the losses of moorland by cultivation and conversion to grassland, the drainage of wetlands, and the deterioration of artefacts including hedgerows, stone walls and buildings led the Countryside Commission to launch a major consultative exercise early in 1983 on the future of the uplands in order to assess the implications of these and other changes.
  3. First we circled round the crater, walking across fine, open grassland or weaving our way through dense patches of groundsel, to bag Lower Elgon Peak, our highest point in Kenya so far.
  4. Long leys (often misnamed "permanent leys") are designed for the long-term improvement of grassland.
  5. As tropical forest is felled, grassland is spreading to replace it, and termites are becoming more widespread.
  6. Nardus stricta - Galium saxatile grassland.
  7. At about 10,000ft (3300m) we broke out of the trees into an area of grassland that looked vaguely like a Scottish moor and decided to camp for the night.
  8. Mesotrophic grassland
  9. Diluting it and mixing in it into slurry lagoons or spreading it at a low rate on grassland was a method used in the past, but even that may not be possible now.
  10. The research, co-funded by the National Environment Research Council and Central Electricity Generating Board (since privatisation by the National Power/PowerGen Joint Environmental Programme), also addressed issues such as how pollutants affect the structure and processes of plant cells, and how ozone in the lower atmosphere causes abortion of oilseed rape flowers, reduces clover in grassland and may cause premature dropping of tree leaves.
  11. Although average stocking rates for beef cows would be around one ha/cow it has been demonstrated that 0.4 ha/cow (1 acre/ cow) of productive grassland with moderate nitrogen fertiliser inputs will meet grazing requirements and produce a substantial part of the winter feed requirements.
  12. They are used to cover grass seeds and for final levelling of a tilth, but their main use is for spreading dung and molehills and scratching the surface of grassland after grazing or before shutting up for hay.
  13. Festuca rubra - Holcus lanatus maritime grassland.

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