Перевод: grouch
[существительное] недовольство; дурное настроение; брюзга ; [глагол] брюзжать; ворчать
- For I am rock's foremost poet and ill-mannered grouch!
- The music of The Wizard of Oz is, of course, more familiar to most people, and it's performed well here: Gillian Beven's Dorothy, very much in the Judy Garland mould, is featured in every strong, providing sound foundation for each, and my only real grouch was that the children's chorus was far less easy on the ear than that used in Oliver .
- The star of the show, of course, was Ebenezer Scrooge, the greedy, grasping grouch with a heart as hard as left-over Christmas pud.
- I am rock's foremost poet and ill-mannered grouch.
- Not a lot to grouch about