Перевод: grumble
[существительное] ворчание; воркотня ; ропот ; дурное настроение; гром ; грохот ; [глагол] ворчать; бурчать; разворчаться; жаловаться; брюзжать; греметь; грохотать
- And he gave me a job as Mustn't Grumble's occasional roadie.
- "We're fighting for simple ordinary things: the right to grumble whenever you feel like it; the right to be wrong and stupid, and the right to become less wrong and stupid if you want to; the right not to suffer bodily pain.
- While she spoke, she remembered Maxie's grumble from behind his newspaper, the last time he had been home, when she had told him to do the leaves.
- But one that has had the error beep replaced by a robotic voice screaming "Attention!" is likely to have the opposite effect, as is one that ingests a floppy disc accompanied by a long drawn out grumble taken from a soggy passage in the Star Wars trilogy.
- "She's just having a grumble," he reassured Philip.
- When she wasn't inveighing against cruelty to ponies and disgusting language at Rutshire Polo Club, and furiously ringing up Ricky to complain about Perdita thundering ponies five abreast down Eldercombe High Street, she was writing to Dancer, to grumble about cheeky builders, truculent security guards, and Alsatians chasing her cat, Smudge.
- Trinidadians, disgusted by their violence (they captured Mr Robinson and shot him in the leg), nevertheless reckoned that poor people had a lot to grumble about, as the government slashed away at public spending to rectify past extravagance.
- They grumble about the Ossis' exaggerated expectations and leisurely working habits.
- A sign which went up on the Raiders' dressing-room door after the match, advising that only Australian media personnel were welcome, bore witness to the visitors' touchiness about defeat, though at least they did not follow Manly's example and grumble about the referee.
- It became a parting of the ways, not a harmless flutter over whether to have a bit of a change or a grumble about poll tax.
- "If he's finished you'd think he'd have the manners not to leave the table in such a mess," the girls would grumble; but they or Rose would always put his books away.
- This is where the boxing writers' grumble: they want to see you flatten your opponent, not display your moves.
- Charlie ignored me, as he was ignoring most of his friends since he'd appeared on the front page of the Bromley and Kentish Times with his band, Mustn't Grumble, after an open-air gig in a local sports ground.