Перевод: gurgle
[существительное] бульканье; булькающий звук; [глагол] булькать; булькнуть; журчать; полоскать горло
- Catherine gave a gurgle of laughter.
- The smell of the peat, gurgle of water racing over boulders and chuckle of flocks of fieldfares searching for mountain ash berries are as characteristic as the scenery itself.
- The familiar gurgle came from the bathroom.
- Docilely Harriet pads off and comes back and they gurgle out what she knows is the sweated labour of Singapore.
- Each time he drew on the mouthpiece, setting in motion the gentle protracted gurgle, he stared into space, completely absorbed.
- He was just shifting this succulent morsel in his mouth before grinding her bones, when he heard an extraordinary sound; he heard a gurgle of laughter.
- The thunder still battered overhead, and she could hear the splash and gurgle of water running in the courtyard, but here at least it was possible to believe in quiet, to think it might be possible to speak and to be spoken to.
- gurgle in a true and brave new world Or you
- He merely held on to it, while Bruce pulled him, and with a gurgle of laughter the boy found the apple was in his hand.
- Somewhere near was the gurgle and trickle of water.
- He did, on a frothy gurgle of blood.
- While leaving it to cool, I reached over for the map; the mug was caught by my sleeve, fell forward with a gurgle, and emptied.
- While solving this drawback, Crapper noted that the noise divided into four categories: the rush, the gurgle, the hiss and the gush.