Перевод: gush
[существительное] поток ; порыв ; ливень ; внезапный поток; сильный поток; лавина ; вспышка ; излияние; излияние чувств; сентиментальный восторг; [глагол] хлынуть; литься потоком; разразиться потоком; изливать свои чувства; фонтанировать; перехлестывать
- The name comes from the old Norse word meaning "to gush" and was not only given to the township nearby, but got into the English language as a descriptive name for any jet of water.
- But you heard the surge, the source of the drama; the foulest gush, the sewer filling up.
- "Remember to let the feeling out, let it gush out like a fountain, but draw it back afterwards.
- "Good, I'm glad you don't gush.
- Being British, one would not gush about such things; winemaker, jazz-lover and poet Andre Ostertag, being French, has no such qualms.
- It's all part of the generous gush of expenditure without return.
- Had you said this first instead of producing emotional gush about the hospital's welfare, we could have saved a good deal of time.
- It will keep that distinction as long as the government continues to gush red ink.
- What so often happens is that we do not share feelings till finally the back filter gets overloaded and we literally blow a hole through it sending forth a gush of accusations which are totally counterproductive.
- When he removed the thumb from his lips, Jackie half expected the puffiness to subside with a gush of escaping air.
- While solving this drawback, Crapper noted that the noise divided into four categories: the rush, the gurgle, the hiss and the gush.
- It seemed as though a valve had burst inside her and a great gush of energy was being released.
- My wife was the first to notice it: running a bath wasn't what it used to be; no more gush of water, just a diminishing trickle.