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Перевод: hatred speek hatred

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  1. Palaces that were prisons full of hatred
  2. Freud argues that the man who is sexually jealous of a woman would "not only feel pain about the woman he loves and hatred of the man who is his rival, but also grief about the man, whom he loves unconsciously, and hatred of the woman as his rival" ("Some Neurotic Mechanisms", x. 197 - 8).
  3. It was hard to know when this hatred of her mother's family had begun.
  4. Second then, homophobia often intersects with other kinds of phobia and hatred: in this case, and rather economically, not only misogyny but also racism and xenophobia.
  5. POLICEMAN's widow Monica King spoke of her hatred last night for the man who has destroyed her life.
  6. Then something snapped inside him; all the choked up hatred he had for Luke suddenly spewed out.
  7. The positive value attributed to thin bodies is dependent on definitions of fat as disgusting and diseased: fear and hatred of fat pervades contemporary Western cultures; fat women are excluded from many activities and possibilities because of our size.
  8. With him went several members of the Beni-Gomez family, and it is from this that their hatred of Rodrigo dates.
  9. He described to me a life of violence and hatred in which he lost no opportunity to vent his anger upon those around him - and, what is more, he actually enjoyed doing so.
  10. The climate had worsened significantly for the remaining Jews in Germany following the invasion of the Soviet Union, in a period of stepped-up hatred towards the "Jewish-Bolshevik" arch-enemy and heightened tension, as Party activists agitated with renewed pressure for action in the "Jewish Question".
  11. A great cry compounded of rage, sorrow, hatred and vituperation went up from the town walls as the colourful company under the Plantagenet Leopards turned and rode back towards the castle, leaving the slight jerking figure to its dance of death.
  12. In these nights hatred grew in me, hatred for those responsible for this deed
  13. It drew together Poles who had little else in common save a hatred of communist rule.

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