Перевод: hollow
[прилагательное] полый; пустотелый; выдолбленный; дуплистый; ложный; впалый; ввалившийся; голодный; тощий; пустой; гулкий; несерьезный; неискренний; [наречие] вполне; совершенно; [существительное] пустота ; ложбина ; полость ; пазуха ; углубление; впадина ; выемка ; дыра ; яма ; рытвина ; лощина ; дупло; пещера ; кратер (взрыва) ; [глагол] выдалбливать; выкапывать
- The cells form a sheet just one cell thick enclosing a hollow interior.
- Hollow cubes drained of all life, movement, noise.
- With great reluctance, as he maintained, Ledeen carried the message from Israel's prime minister, Shimon Peres, to McFarlane in the summer of 1985, asking him to approve the first shipment of arms from Israel to Iran; McFarlane replied "Okay, just that one shipment and nothing else", words that soon acquired a hollow, awful sound.
- This mill also has a famous past, related to its previous name of Sleepy Hollow.
- Even as he turned in alarm, he carried with him, trapped on his retina, the picture of the Commander's face, hollow and empty.
- Water discharged from Daresbury Power Station into the Bridgewater Canal kept the Goosberry Hollow to Norton Station stretch fishable and there were catches of up to 30 small roach and the odd skimmer bream.
- Whether or not we accept Eliot's note that the title of "The Hollow Men" draws on both Kipling's "The Broken Men" and Morris's "The Hollow Land", there is little doubt that this "valley of dying stars" is not so far from the landscapes of Victorian romanticism.
- hollow lands
- As "Hatful Of Hollow" was a direct result of public demand, so the single from the album, "How Soon Is Now", was a result of public request.
- But they sounded more hollow than they had done a year earlier, and were certainly less widespread.
- Further on, as the path steepens, a hollow on the moor to the left may be noted.