Перевод: homicide
[существительное] убийство; убийца ; [глагол] убивать
- From time to time there are cases where the provocation is so gross and so strong that a court imposes a very short prison sentence or even a suspended sentence for the manslaughter - typically, cases where a wife, son, or daughter kills a persistently bullying husband or father - and such cases raise the more general question of whether provocation should ever be a complete defence to homicide or to other crimes.
- Fighting, stealing, homicide and rape were usually either individual initiatives or a group of friends on the rampage.
- The wording with which section 2 of the Homicide Act 1957 introduced diminished responsibility is rather unsatisfactory, but judges, counsel, doctors, and juries have approached it with a compassionate pragmatism rather than with the rarefied verbal analysis too frequently encountered in English criminal law.
- Since there are two offences - and particularly in jurisdictions where there are three or more grades of homicide - surely it is right and proper to use the lesser offence to mark significant differences in culpability.
- The Criminal Law Revision Committee, which found much of the English law of manslaughter unsupportable, argued that there is a need for a homicide offence beneath murder to encompass those who cause death when reckless as to death or serious injury.
- In England there has been a proposal that we should do away with all these distinctions, leaving a single offence of criminal homicide.
- The reason for this is not difficult to find: the harm caused by many other crimes is remediable to a degree, whereas the harm caused by homicide is absolutely irremediable.
- The general conclusion which we have reached is that there is no clear evidence in any of the figures we have examined that the abolition of capital punishment has led to an increase in the homicide rate, or that its reintroduction has led to a fall.
- Where there is no capital punishment, however, the question of how many degrees of homicide it is desirable to have calls for careful weighing of the principle of fair labelling (see Chapter 3.3 (l)) against the cost and time arguments mobilised by the policy of efficient administration (see Chapter 3.3 (m)).
- The jury would have no role in most homicide cases, since a plea of guilty would be the norm.
- In principle, it seems unjust that a homicide conviction should not be possible in such a case, if all the other elements can be established and only the "year and a day" rule stands in the way.
- "I gave her a gruesome murder to deal with homicide is new territory for women - the need for capture and revenge is largely masculine."
- The Homicide Act requires evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control: this is wide enough to include things said or done by persons other than the deceased, and acts done against persons other than D (e.g. where D is provoked to kill someone who has just committed a sexual offence upon D's son, daughter, wife, etc.).