Перевод: however
[наречие] как бы ни; как; каким образом; однако; [конъюнкция] как бы ни; какой бы ни; тем не менее; однако; несмотря на это; несмотря на то; впрочем
- It is, however, a gutsy and typically offensive record - what else do you expect from a group called Da Lench Mob?
- However, when his mother, Adele Britton, tried to remove it, she realised she would have to call in the professionals.
- This year, however, Britain has been faced by a tyrant much closer to home.
- Children like to see quick results from their efforts, but a garden, however small, can demonstrate the passing of time as they watch for changes.
- However, it could provide ammunition for legal action which Ferranti intends to take against advisers and individuals in an attempt to recover some of the losses it has suffered.
- However, they are not convinced that the primary cause of this is toxic concentrations of aluminium released into the soil as acidity increased.
- They were, however, quite emphatic that there are large quantities of plant nutrients locked away in the soil structure.
- However, lesbians are more likely than men to feel ambivalent about their own bodies and may feel it especially difficult to desire a fat woman who embodies their own fears.
- I can however see the globular cluster M56; it is difficult with 7, detectable without much trouble with 12, and easy with 20.
- However, you must now please excuse me.
- However, despite general agreement about the need for groupworkers to be supervised by university trained personnel, this occurs in only 30 per cent of services in Flanders (Hellinckx and Munter, 1990).
- Be careful not to lift the slippers off the ground when you put them on, however, as this is likely to cause the dog to become aggressive, especially if it is effectively cornered in the room with you.
- However, I confess that I do not believe a party, any more than the society which it serves, can fail to suffer if it knowingly allows institutions to fall more and more out of correspondence with contemporary needs.