Перевод: incense
[существительное] фимиам ; ладан ; [глагол] курить фимиам; кадить; сердить; приводить в ярость
- Late afternoon, summer, the small suburban garden bloated with the marquee empty after my cousin's wedding and departure on honeymoon, my father's flushed face, my mother's face jerking, my own imminent departure back to Oxford, my head racing with wine and incense.
- Since Kate, Peter and Walter moved into the house, which incorporates the 12th-century priory walls, a ghostly but very palpable waft of snuffed candles and burning incense has thrice been known to signify benediction on St Peter's day.
- If a soul was to meet God there it was without the mediation of stained glass, pictures, images or incense.
- Cobbles are being relaid, the Jesuit church facelifted; S Agostino smells of varnish as well as incense.
- A strong wind, smelling of incense and radiation,
- Jay tie-dyed shirts purple with white star bursts, stopped wearing shoes, wore fringed waistcoats, Indian head-bands, bought incense and cultivated a dead-pan expression.
- Into this great space filled with music and incense and drugs, this great huge warehouse with pineapples and bananas.
- At times of the greatest mental stress I would wander into some cool church and try to pray in the dimness scented by peasant sweat, cold candle-grease and stale incense.
- The smoke wafted up my nose like incense.
- The incense trade continued to be important for the next 1500 years.
- He liked incense, but he did not like an excess of ceremonial (" scarlet, lace etc') which he condemned as vulgar and intrusive.
- Exotic scent mingled with the more religious smells of incense, furniture polish and veneration.
- Nearby was an agricultural zone with circular planting beds for date palms and possibly incense trees.