Перевод: incite
[глагол] возбуждать; побуждать; подстрекать; подбивать; настропалить
- 7 June The university authorities are reported as saying only posters that support the government and reform are allowed and not those which incite trouble.
- In January 1982, Malawi Radio announced that the Chirwas had been arrested with their son on Christmas Eve, and claimed that they had slipped back into the country to incite opposition to Banda's Government.
- Obviously concerned that his analysis of the negative influence of discipline on the efficiency of systems of communication might offend or incite displeasure, he avoided confrontation; but he need not have worried.
- It is an offence to organise, to participate in or to incite someone to participate in a banned march.
- Jose's point about the media's ability to incite trouble is borne out in one case which involved radio broadcasts.
- It is for broadcasting authorities to determine what constitutes the appropriate degree of impartiality, and they must not lose sight of their obligation not to include in their programmes matter which is likely to encourage or incite crime or be offensive to public feeling.
- A yet further, intriguingly perverse, aspect of this convergence involves the phenomenon whereby the culturally negated other becomes the focus of the very desire which is being policed within the dominant culture: the other, in the very process of being identified, displaced, and negated, becomes the object of - indeed may actually incite - desire.
- The answer put by proponents of the British approach is that the effect of publications or performances is rarely to incite directly whether to crime or anything else.
- The mutiny was not Communist-inspired, but the spirit of rebellion was exploited to incite peasant risings.
- Howard League for Penal Reform director Frances Crook said Mr Clarke was launching into a "profligate and irresponsible policy which will incite juvenile crime when damaged children emerge from his penal prep-schools".
- British cinema licences have for most of this century prohibited the exhibition of films which are "likely to encourage or incite to crime", which anticipated the deprave-and-corrupt test of 1959.
- In Beatty v. Gillbanks , the Salvation Army was stopped from marching because of fears that it would incite a disorderly rabble, loosely organized as a so-called "skeleton army", to acts of violence against it.
- To subvert them would be to incite peasant revolts even more threatening than those which punctuated the eighteenth century.