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Перевод: indigestion speek indigestion

расстройство желудка; нарушение пищеварения; несварение; диспепсия ; индигестия


  1. In his discourse on indigestion in the horse, he posed the question, why did ploughmen seldom suffer from indigestion, while members of the higher classes were prone to this?
  2. He suffered from bouts of indigestion.
  3. Industrial society has managed to bake bigger and richer cakes for most of the past two centuries, suffering the occasional bouts of indigestion, but getting fatter most of the time.
  4. It was now thrashing feebly about in the straw trying to get its tangle of legs in order, a whole, complete, new horse - when five minutes ago there had been nothing at all save him thinking Firelight had indigestion.
  5. When performed in normal circumstances, these strange behaviour patterns generally denote depraved appetite due to malnutrition, extreme hunger, indigestion, dietary deficiency, some kind of physiological upset or even sheer BOREDOM.
  6. Indigestion and constipation
  7. You know crisps give me indigestion.
  8. Disadvantages with metformin are that a minority of patients may develop a metallic taste in the mouth, indigestion or loose bowel actions.
  9. I am constantly called a fool, because I have not that literary indigestion which throws up what it feeds on, every week or so."
  10. Worked himself into a frenzy and gave himself indigestion.
  11. When Wall Street has indigestion, the world's market economies are checked out for coronaries.
  12. The possible fatigue, indigestion, headaches, irregular bowel habits, difficulty with sleeping and concentrating - in fact, generally feeling "below par" - will not be mentioned.
  13. And your indigestion.

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