Перевод: intrigue
[существительное] интрига ; интрижка ; тайные происки; каверза ; политиканство; [глагол] интриговать; строить козни; заинтриговать; заинтересовать; заинтриговывать; иметь интрижку
- Since the European Parliament can never work as a real parliament, power would pass into the back rooms where intrigue and shabby voting deals are the modus operandi .
- "It's television at its best climax building, and climaxing again, ever drawing the viewer into its intrigue.
- But the negotiations have been fraught with enough intrigue and duplicity to do justice to any spy drama.
- Then, as now, the vote was taken against a background of anti-apartheid pressure, especially from local councils, but without the intrigue which surrounded the recent centenary tour to the Republic.
- Intrigue (1814) NN 23.
- Observers of the seven-month trial are left wondering who edited out the intrigue.
- Cullen is a Morse veteran, the cast is to some extent interchangeable, and the story is re-jigged so that instead of opening in Paris - as in the book - it began with the Fellows' Winter Feast at St Mark's College, with intrigue and skulduggery at high table.
- He loved scandal and intrigue and made his contribution in low, conspiratorial tones.
- The corruption of the security forces seems straight forward in the beginning, but as the plot unfolds, the facts of torture, a shoot-to-kill policy, and the silencing of information in Northern Ireland seems only to serve as a backdrop to the political intrigue.
- Intrigue might.
- His remoteness and the scandal and intrigue associated with the SI have significantly contributed to the enhancement of the movement's reputation.
- RECOMMENDED The Recruiting Officer Fine production by Nicholas Hytner of Farquhar's glorious restoration comedy about military and romantic intrigue, based on the dramatist's own experience in provincial Shrewsbury.
- It might be short on intrigue and backstabbing but it would move at a cracking pace.