Перевод: judge
[существительное] судья ; знаток ; арбитр ; эксперт ; третейский судья; ценитель ; [глагол] судить; рассматривать; вынос`ить приговор; рассудить; быть арбитром; составлять мнение; составить себе мнение; оценивать; считать; полагать; приходить к выводу; решать; осуждать; порицать
- He had felt driven, as the judge said, to take that law into his own hands.
- Let us suppose that, when invited to judge actions or persons, I appeal only to what is, never to what ought to be.
- And a judge may have to sort out the immediate squabble.
- He said he was quite prepared to come to court with the film," the judge said.
- From these two premisses, the judge proceeded to find that there was no marriage between April Ashley, the surgically operated transsexual who led the life, quite successfully, of a female, and Mr Corbett.
- Now you can go unhampered by disapproval or feelings of guilt and "disloyalty" and judge whether the activity really is in your line.
- "The truth in question is hidden, lying concealed beneath appearances; we must then inquire, since its nature is not open to us, whether it is still possible to know it through some sign and whether we have a criterion by which we may recognize the sign and judge what the thing truly is."
- The subject's task was to judge as quickly as possible whether the second clause was a sensible continuation of the first.
- "The judge agreed to sign a warrant for Thom's arrest as soon as it was clear he'd left the country with Eva."
- Further the test set out in Hitchcock v WB and FEB (1952) 2 QB 561 had been replaced by the test in Re W which set out all that any judge needed to do in making a decision.
- The choice fell on Lord Gorell, the son of an eminent judge who had inherited his title from his elder brother.
- Clarity and efficiency are, for example, not criteria by which we judge social talk, and the world would be a very unpleasant place if they were.
- In peace, how could he judge us?"