Перевод: juridical
[прилагательное] юридический; законный; судебный
- But from the tenth century onwards this whole strain of soteriology predominated in the West, and under Anselm of Canterbury became far more systematic and juridical.
- In the West the juridical view soon dominated, the ransom for sin being seen as paid to God (to appease his wrath).
- The state has no role in the appointment of bishops and the juridical processes of church and state are kept entirely separate, though it will be seen that a number of administrative procedures reflect a direct link.
- Clear words were a matter of practical rather than juridical significance; they were not the essential constitutive element in trusts but invaluable evidence as to the intentions at law of the settlor.
- This implied far more than the juridical observation that the Holy Spirit would "assist" the Ecumenical Council.
- The considerations here are not so much juridical as ethical.
- An Estonian history professor, Arnold Palm, said Balts regarded their status within the Soviet Union as "political, not juridical", and "by no means definitely established".
- The reforming jurists, on the other hand, saw punishment as a procedure for requalifying individuals as subjects, as juridical subjects; it uses not marks, but signs, coded sets of representations, which would be given the most rapid circulation and the most general acceptance possible by citizens witnessing the scene of punishment.
- "In the end, you do have to have some sort of juridical power if you are going to keep the institution together."
- In some cases that were drawn to the attention of the Juridical and Human Rights Commission of the main Protestant organization (CEPAD), people had been held for as long as three months without being interrogated.
- The concepts of a right and a liberty (as opposed to freedom generally) probably originated however, in systems of juridical law, and it is in legal systems that they have their most subtle and interesting applications and most thorough and detailed elaborations.
- Hegemony is typically an unequal relationship established between a great power and one or more smaller powers which is nevertheless based on the juridical or formal equality of all the states concerned.
- But uncertainties are smoothed over by this idealization of a historically and socially specific, juridical concept of power (Hussain 1981).