Перевод: legality
[существительное] законность ; легальность ; приверженность букве закона
- Whether the inhibition of news publishing by threat of contempt proceedings constitutes a denial of freedom of speech and whether the use a corporal punishment in schools can constitute a breach of Art.3 (prohibiting torture, etc.) are amongst a host of other matters, such as the legality of the "closed shop", which have fallen for consideration.
- His mind seems currently more on organising Hollywood-type weddings, extended holidays and wondering about the legality of the World Cup draw.
- The goddess of truth and justice in Egyptian mythology, Maat was the personification of world order and was determined to impose her own exemplary standards of legality upon wayward mortals.
- The legality of money market dealings by Hammersmith and Fulham Council in west London, which once amounted to exposure of 5bn is being challenged by its auditor, Anthony Hazell, a partner in Deloitte Haskins and Sells, with the support of the Audit Commission, the local authority financial watchdog.
- These included: the power to intervene in labour federations and unions; control over candidates in union elections; provisions governing the legality of strikes and unions; legal distinctions between white- and blue-collar workers which have the effect of dividing workers; and the prohibition of certain groups (often government employees) to form unions.
- PANAMA is the latest in a series of rogue regimes, the menacing state of whose internal affairs has led to armed intervention by other countries - and to an unresolved international tangle about the legality of such action.
- This is not to say that there is no place for the principle of legality in constitutional matters.
- Lord Sankey's attitude indicates that a court of law in the United Kingdom would need weighty evidence before becoming willing to abandon the principle of legality according to the pre-existing constitutional norms, and so it should, so long as uncertainty as to the "realities" prevails.
- The existence of a ban on the legality of the Movement makes the position even more difficult in that it is practically impossible to even get a hall in some areas in which to hold a meeting.
- The legality of an appeal committee's decision would be open to legal challenge if there was a failure to comply with natural justice - for example, not giving an appellant an adequate opportunity to state his/her case.
- The court astonished everybody by deciding that it could not rule on the legality or otherwise of something that had not happened yet.
- John Howell, for Anthony Hazell, the district auditor, said on the second day of a hearing into the legality of the council's 6bn deals on the market: "The council sold 49 gilt options on the mistaken belief that it was reducing its exposure.
- The fact that discrimination is unintentional has no bearing on its legality or otherwise.