Перевод: legible
[прилагательное] разборчивый; четкий
- The doctor can also help by writing comprehensive and legible medical notes.
- Begin to produce clear and legible joined-up writing.
- reproduction should be immaculate and totally legible throughout
- Produce clear and legible handwriting in both printed and cursive styles.
- The earlier text thus revealed can be made more legible by a program that enhances the contrast, picking out the Gothic letters from the surrounding gloom.
- It will help all of them if the learning materials that they use are clearly presented and legible.
- (vi) Pupils should have opportunities to develop a comfortable, flowing and legible joined-up style of handwriting.
- Even so, escape sequences are only barely legible.
- The climber is centre-frame, his offending bolts invisible, but in one corner and easily legible is a mess of graffiti!
- But, the notebook says in legible writing, oaf was being investigated by the Microbiological Research Establishment at Porton Down.
- Nevertheless, fluent and legible handwriting continues to be important, so the one secretarial attainment target that we propose from level 5 onwards is called presentation and includes both spelling and handwriting.
- I also feel that the memory display is an area which has not yet been addressed properly; this is critical information and the readout should be instantly legible.
- Not quite all is legible: