Перевод: madam
[существительное] мадам ; сударыня ; госпожа ; барыня ; женщина, любящая повелевать; содержательница публичного дома; бандерша [вулг.]
- He replied, "Madam, I once ate a pea."
- Madam, Nearly two million of us belong to the National Trust because we believe in what it stands for, and because it offers us superb value for our annual subscription.
- Madam, you should come."
- Revival of "Madam Butterfly" with Susan Bullock in the title role, Wed.
- Spurgeon was right to say to that lady who left his church to join a church she felt was perfect: "Well, Madam, when you find your perfect church don't join it - you'll only spoil it!"
- The porter called her madam because she had asked the way to the private wing.
- "Madam, may your betrothed take you to lunch?"
- Eliot, who occasionally attended Ouspensky's seances in London in 1920 and who used the Tarot and Madam Sosostris in the London of The Waste Land , was familiar with the decay of magic; but the man who attacked Back to Methuselah in 1921 hardly shared Frazer's Comtian, progressive tone.
- "Madam, they'll have to ring down the curtain.
- This, madam - ye Gods! would I had 10,000 yards of it!
- And just you mind you bring the tray back, madam."
- "Madam," said the servant who had conducted the chancellor to the queen-dowager, "the Bishop of Lincoln is here and begs audience of Your Grace."
- "Well, but, madam, if the fellow is a tout - tout, is that the word? - for one of the hotels here, is it not likely he would need to be ascending like us?"