Перевод: mandible
[существительное] нижняя челюсть; мандибула ; жвало [существительное]
- Top, mandible with destruction of the ascending ramus and abundant algal growth along the inferior border of the mandible; middle right, premaxilla with decay and splitting of bone and splitting of incisors; middle left, a second premaxilla with more advanced decay leading to destruction of the bone surface; bottom left, the same specimen showing loss of alveolar bone; bottom right, palate showing loss of angles of teeth, chipping and breakage of the molars.
- A. rooted vole molar showing chipping of edges and pitting and flaking of the enamel surface (25); B. enlargement of same (45); C. tip of lower incisor showing chipping of edges of enamel and pitting and flaking of the enamel surface (20); D. enlargement of same (75); E. shrew mandible showing pitting of bone surface near the alveolar border and flaking of the enamel surface of the teeth (40); F. enlargement of the anterior tooth (165); G. shaft of limb bone showing pitting and flaking of the surface (12); H. enlargement of same (112).
- After 48-;55 months of weathering, the bones of the skull and mandible were still little altered.
- A. premaxilla of adult vole showing splitting and breakage of the incisors (11); B. enlargement of the tips of the incisors (38); C. further enlargement showing the mesial borders of the broken right incisor (on the left) and of the cracked left incisor (on the right), both showing advanced splitting and flaking of the surface enamel (cf Fig. 1.4H) (112); D. occlusal surface of vole molar (75); E. enlargement of portion of the tooth to show very extensive chipping of both enamel and dentine surfaces (188); F. lower incisor in mandible (22); G. extensive splitting and flaking of mandibular ramus of vole mandible (20); H. extensive splitting and flaking of inferior angle of the mandible (52).
- Deer mandible chewed by small rodents showing the elongated and parallel sided double grooves characteristic of rodent gnawing.
- A. insectivore mandible (20); B. broken tip of ascending ramus of insectivore mandible (75); C. femur head with impact damage on edge of articular surface with a crack extending from it (75); D. abraded edge of greater trochanter (38); E. femur and pelvis (11); F. broken end of femur shaft with little evidence of rounding (75); G. broken end of pelvis with crack extending down from uneven break but little evidence of rounding (75); H. two distal humerus fragments (12).
- Bone loss on the mandible proceeded at a rate of 2 mm per hour, resulting in erosion of the inferior border and loss of the incisor (Fig. 1.8h).
- Along the inferior border of the mandible may be seen the roseate shaped groups of grooves that occur when the rodent anchors its lower jaw on one side of the mandible and pivots against this with its upper jaw to produce a series of grooves converging downwards to a single point.
- A. vole mandible with gnaw marks on the body of the mandible (8); B. other half of the same mandible with the posterior part destroyed (9); C. proximal femur with the head and shaft extensively gnawed (19); D. femur head enlarged (45); E. proximal end of humerus with the head destroyed by gnawing and individual gnaw marks visible on the inner surface of the bone (30) F. enlargement of the individual gnaw marks, which are approximately 20 microns in breadth (188).