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Перевод: Master speek Master



  1. I retreated to leave the master to it and lay happily in the sun.
  2. Other members nominated included the Duke of Montrose (Master of the Horse).
  3. Me and Phil, the roadie, even went on this midnight jaunt from Manchester to Guildford to try to steal the master tapes of the LP.
  4. That master would seem to have been Taglioni, now filtered to us through the Bournonville version.
  5. But the accusations of shoplifting completely devastated the player and his family and have left him bitter about the way Scottish newspapers pursue the private lives of football's master race.
  6. "It will still look messy, the way he likes it - but much more modern, too" declared the master scissor-wielder with confidence.
  7. To watch him was to see a master at work - each slice so thin and of unvarying thickness.
  8. It was that very intelligence which evolved the master strategies.
  9. If every inhabitant was now to become a citizen and without the former property qualification, empire provided a vicarious property qualification for the Master Race.
  10. Each unit has a team of ACC chefs allocated to it, led by a Master Chef.
  11. Although he is a thoughtful person, who loves to put his ideas down on paper in the form of articles for such august publications as the Harvard Business Review , he suspects that labels are attached to management practices in hindsight rather than as objectives executives set out to master.
  12. This all calls for a fundamental re-think of your playing style, but one that is not impossible to master in just a short while.
  13. In the spring of 1989 David Calcutt, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, was asked to lead an inquiry, and, sure enough, fifteen months later came up with proposals which appeared to satisfy both government and proprietors, even if it left victims distinctly underwhelmed.

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