Перевод: meter
[существительное] счетчик ; измеритель ; измерительный прибор; метр ; размер ; ритм ; [глагол] измерять; мерить; дозировать
- Our farm was only connected to the mains supply in 1951, and here "we were two years later talking about a power station which promised electricity almost "too cheap to meter".'
- Note that a good quality (high resistance) meter is necessary to obtain the correct reading on pin 3, and in particular, pin 2.
- The above is what you will need, and if possible buy, borrow or hire a moisture meter from a DIY shop.
- Grants may be made for items such as the installation of a prepayment meter, reconnection charges and essential household equipment such as cookers and heaters.
- This is only available if you have an Economy 7 meter.
- BRITAIN and Ireland are the only two countries in the EC that do not meter all water supplies.
- It enables us to remember the cards that have been played in a hand of bridge, the objects on a tray in the game of pelmanism, or reading a meter and recording the result (see Fig. 5.1).
- British Gas will move a coin, token or credit meter up to a meter from its present position free of charge if you find it difficult to use (see Page no number stated for information on adaptations for meters and appliances).
- Keen gardeners and fanatical car washers may have second thoughts about lavish spraying if we end up with a water meter at the bottom of our garden to measure the amount we actually use.
- For details of Age Concern England's meter insurance scheme contact your local Age Concern group or write to Alexander Stenhouse (UK) Ltd, Grosvenor House, 65-;71 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1YN, Tel: (0737) 774177.
- Having a slot meter means that you pay for your fuel as you use it and do not have to worry about large quarterly bills.
- Cancer cells, like meter readers without identity cards were evidently not to be trusted.
- If you have a disability which makes it difficult to use your slot meter, electricity companies will usually move it free of charge.