Перевод: minimum
[прилагательное] минимальный; [существительное] минимум ; минимальное количество
- But what about the lower threshold of manslaughter, where its minimum requirements form the boundary with accidental (non-criminal) homicide?
- a minimum uplift area trending through Quadrant 44 and along the Swarte Bank Hinge Zone in Quadrant 49;
- The minimum loan is 500, spread over as long as five years.
- Carry extra ballast in the cockpit unless you are well above the minimum cockpit load, as this increases the stability and makes the elevator less "twitchy".
- This is the absolute minimum, and whenever possible much more room should be left, or an alternative landing area should be chosen.
- The Hambros Currency Fund, which has about 26m under management, has a minimum investment of 1,000 with a portfolio consisting of three managed funds and two single currency funds.
- They have been devised to place minimum strain on the lifter and her back, while ensuring that the patient is not at risk of falling or being dropped.
- It included a sharp attack on public spending, with cash limits on the public sector, the raising of minimum lending rate to 14 per cent, some sale of public assets to help finance the public-sector borrowing requirement, and a major switch from direct taxation to taxes on spending.
- Cleaning does not contribute anything positive in terms of product manufactured or meals served so results must be achieved efficiently at minimum cost and disruption to the main operation.
- It appears the terms agreed yesterday include a higher minimum guarantee of television revenue to the PFA.
- Conventional radiocarbon dating normally requires sample sizes which will yield a minimum of 1 g of carbon.
- Onto one line I tie a size 2, straight-eyed, forged hook, which has been carefully honed with a fine carborundum stone to razor sharpness, and the barb reduced to a bare minimum so as not to impeded penetration but still retain a degree of holding power.
- Where employees are concerned, a minimum of 2,000 has been used for the same reason.