Перевод: molt
[существительное] линька ; [глагол] линять (о птицах)
- Lane 1, K562; lane 2, TPA induced K562; lane 3, U937; lane 4, TPA induced U937; lane 5, KG1; lane 6, TPA-induced KG1; lane 7, THP-1; lane 8, HL60; lane 9, IM9; lane 10, Ramos; lane 11, Priess; lane 12, Daudi; lane 13, MOLT 4; lane 14, Namalwa: lane 15, Jurkat; lane 16, proliferating human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC); lane 17, HUVEC stimulated with TNF- and IL- lane 18, HUVEC grown on Matrigel.
- Molt Taylor, an aero engineer from the US, has been working on his Aerocar for 40 years.