Перевод: moot
[прилагательное] спорный; [существительное] собрание граждан; собрание свободных граждан для обсуждения дел всей общины; учебный судебный процесс; [глагол] обсуждать; дискутировать; ставить вопрос на обсуждение
- The Moot is close enough to the mountains to suffer occasional raids by Night Goblins and so the Halflings maintain a vigilant force of border guards and watchmen who double as warriors in time of war.
- Even if it had survived, it is a moot point how long this bias would have been tolerated by West Germany.
- This is a moot point which requires further study before it can be resolved.
- Gorbad struck north through the Tower Hills and caught the Halflings and their allies on the Aver Down, the range of low hills in the southern Moot.
- Whether we in this country could ever support minority groups in this way is a moot point.
- A TEAM of Essex students will soon have the chance to go forward to the semi-finals of a national legal debating contest.Anglia Polytechnic University's Richard Davies and Marcus Staff defeated a team from the University of Coventry in the third round of the Observer Moot.
- The 18th Century Moot Hall now houses the Daventry Museum and Tourist Information Centre.
- But if it were pigeon droppings then it would be a moot point as to whether merely to murmur condolences and hurry on or to set to work with a clean handkerchief.
- The Orc army made camp at the Three Towers, the ancient Elf ruins on the borders of the Moot.
- Now they are away to a University of Wolverhampton team in the quarter finals.The Observer Moot is a national competition in which pairs of students representing law departments from universities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland argue points of law before a moot judge.
- It only became a moot point because David was a meal ticket for so many people.
- But whether Bevin wished to go beyond the kind of cooperation he was currently pursuing in the security field was a moot question.
- Now longe moot thou saille by the cost, gentil Maryneer !