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Перевод: motion speek motion

движение; ход ; телодвижение; жест ; перемещение; походка ; побуждение; предложение; ходатайство; действие; действие кишечника; кал ; механизм ; устройство; марионетка ;
показывать жестом


  1. I am like the cow at the sea shore, bound by the motion of the waves.
  2. The volumes are the best available references for an understanding of what is in motion in the Soviet Union
  3. The motion goes on to say that it draws the "natural and disturbing inference" that the meetings and copy number 26 were linked.
  4. However, in library instruction, one seldom has the need for conveying motion, and the use of moving images may well prove a distraction, rather than enhancing the learning effect.
  5. When Sir George Strickland's motion (having no force of law) for complete emancipation was passed on 22 May but the government reversed the decision, delegates posed "the Philanthropic and Christian Public" whom they represented against such parliamentary manoeuvring.
  6. However the motion of the car shatters any illusion that you are travelling through space!
  7. Heat is nothing more than energy of atoms in motion, so if you can slow down atoms, you are in effect cooling them.
  8. Mr Reynolds's government lost the motion by 88 votes to 77 after a walkout by coalition partners the Progressive Democrats.
  9. The Serpent and the Swastika are siblings; the Serpent as the energizing creative force of the Universe, the Swastika as that force in motion.
  10. Everything possible was done to reduce noise while the cars were in motion, including acoustic blankets, special side friction blocks and rubber shock-absorbing pads, and devices to prevent rattling of brake-gear and any creaking of the car structure.
  11. Rebel leader Dennis Oliver has presented a petition to MCC calling on the club's members to discuss a motion of no confidence in England's selectors.
  12. Knowing their speed from the films and their weight and limb lengths, McMahon found that the configuration of motion in human walking perfectly matched what he had predicted from 19th-century physics.
  13. If you're at the net, the motion is more like a punch, but it's still there.

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