Перевод: mover
[существительное] движущая сила; двигатель ; инициатор ; автор
- The other prime mover was that the slump is now in its dying throes.
- It can be likened to becoming "them" or no longer being "us", for I had further increased my distance from the working lives of the "real polises" and had moved out of their known world to become an outsider, a liminal mover.
- In this situation, the marginal mover acquires the power to reinterpret the way his institutional structure governs a desire for a rigidified world of immobility, and to understand why, for example, those few policemen who move into other areas, such as probation work or the legal profession, become totally suspect.
- In all the legends or tales of the journey to individuation and knowledge, the liminal mover always returns to the centre and is reconstituted into structure.
- The best crossbreed was Max, belonging to Beryl Greenslade of Hindhead, who also took the best mover award.
- Of the purely monophonic items included in the programme, Can vei la lauzeta mover was movingly performed by Leigh Nixon, while Rogers Covey-Crump brought out perfectly the sophistications of the courtly love-song Autres que je ne seuill fas.
- The suggestion that catastrophic heating itself could be the prime mover gained in credibility.
- The prime mover was George Dodson.
- Eileen Kinnaird, whose husband Rick was a prime mover of the event, led an all-girl team soon to be known as the "Mama-Sans" which made its mark by beating the men on a disqualification.
- "It spells "blanket mover", if you juggle the letters.
- Arguably the blinder kinds of sexual radicalism, wherein sexuality is made the prime political mover, have tended to be mainly heterosexual, and in the case of Wilhelm Reich, overtly homophobic.
- Gratitude never was a prime mover in politics.
- He argues that, far from the State being the prime mover of history, the State itself is simply an aspect of a particular type of society.