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Перевод: normal speek normal

нормальный; обыкновенный; обычный; психически нормальный; стандартный; средний; перпендикулярный; среднеарифметический; физиологический;
нормальное состояние; нормальный тип; нормальный образец; нормальный размер; нормальный раствор; нормаль [мат.] ; перпендикуляр ; нормальная температура


  1. Quite obviously the playwright has largely pre-empted negotiation of this kind; also, a theatrical performance can hardly be said to be a social interaction in a normal sense as the actor's concern is to describe to someone outside the interaction on stage - to the spectator.
  2. Five to ten sub-systems is accepted as the normal range, which can then be decomposed as required to show lower-order activities.
  3. There are no published experiments that allow a direct assessment of the effects of interpolating a phase of extinction or reversal between the normal training and test phases of an acquired distinctiveness experiment.
  4. Complications at the time of birth may cause mental handicap in the young child which might have been a normal foetus.
  5. Even in normal situations animals can get smaller rather than bigger: the modern tiger, descended from the genus of the sabre-toothed tiger, is now much smaller.
  6. Doctors and other experts also recognise how important a balanced diet is for a child's normal development.
  7. The camera, re-entering the world of normal gravity, dropped hard beside my shoes.
  8. Here a spacing of 4m to 6m is advisable and, contrary to normal practice, each member should carry a couple of loose coils in the hand which can be cast away in the event of seeing a slip.
  9. People believe that there is a strong dividing line between the mentally handicapped and the "normal".
  10. This would normally push up her heart rate but with her pulse already racing due to the alcohol, dancing and general party excitement the increase is not as noticeable as normal.
  11. The text includes a good balance of normal and abnormal development at various ages - quite a task to cover in one volume.
  12. Community policing was once the normal form of policing in the United Kingdom, but the increasingly bureaucratic and professional nature of policing unintentionally yet progressively separated the police from the community, leading to more anonymous and impersonal contacts between them (see Ericson 1982: 24).
  13. The chemist can use just such a matrix to trap a species whose normal lifetime is just fractions of a second, and subject it to a longer, closer scrutiny than would otherwise be possible.

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