Перевод: northerly
[прилагательное] северный; в северном направлении; направленный к северу; обращенный к северу; [наречие] к северу; в северном направлении; с севера
- Dating from 1841, its name reflects Fleetwood's origins as the northerly terminal of the LMS railway.
- The team left Eureka, Canada's most northerly permanent weather station on Ellesmere Island on Sunday.
- When on 5 September the Lords Lieutenant of the four most northerly counties were ordered to make their respective militias ready for immediate service, it emerged that neither Northumberland nor Durham had been reimbursed by central government for the money they had previously spent in keeping the force mustered, while the authorities in Cumberland admitted candidly: "Tis so long since the militia was raised that we are apprehensive the arms are either lost or in bad order."
- For example, nearly all locations on the south coast of England are hopeless in a northerly wind.
- Two ladies with identical spectacles and points of view sat with folded arms under the luggage rack packed with treats from Marks and Spencers in Inverness (most northerly outlet of that firm's empire).
- The great Dust Bowl which Maggie has seen only from the air, was once the long flank, the turning of the armpit of a dragon greater than Fenna, the great dragon laid out across the world its tail cooled by the oceans of the Antarctic and its breath, no longer fire, turned to ice around its head in the most northerly places of the globe.
- According to Isaac et al. (1982) the northerly dip on the Rusey and other thrusts in this zone is due to postorogenic tilting, perhaps related to the injection of the granites.
- The Transvaal is the most northerly and the most populous of its four states, with the capital, Pretoria, and main business centre, Johannesburg, its only towns of any note.
- Projects were carefully oriented to maximise usable solar-gain, to protect a northerly aspect, and to capitalise on natural lighting and ventilation.
- Following the usual convention they may be named after the thrust forming their leading (northerly) edges.
- Although much of the Dark Peak, as these Northerly uplands are called, is very exposed, it is also full of famous beauty spots.
- This notion is impractical in Britain because the vegetation is often considerably poorer in species than on the continent, owing to the more northerly latitude, so that there are insufficient "indicators" upon which reliance may be placed.
- BW's chief fisheries officer Tom Leatherland said: "Until this week I had no idea that the mink problem was so great on the Macclesfield Canal, the most northerly point we have had the animals reported to us.