Перевод: nude
[прилагательное] обнаженный; нагой; лишенный волос, перьев, чешуи и т.п.; голый; неприкрытый; ясный; телесного цвета; недействительный; [существительное] обнаженная фигура; обнаженное тело; тонкие чулки; паутинка
- However, when he invited Beatrice Hastings to come and model for him nude early on in their affair, Modigliani objected and she failed to keep the appointment.
- But her cause was badly damaged in 1985, the day before she was to sit next to the Prince of Wales at a dinner in Florida, when it was revealed that she posed as a nude model in magazines and appeared in pornographic films in the late 1960s.
- in return for the salon's fee, clients discovered that they could be entertained by nude hostesses whose sole task was to read them pornographic or erotic literature.
- So they spent hours painting brassires onto the nude photographs before sending the souvenir programme home.
- When Carco's concierge came to clean his room the next day, she almost fainted at the sight of the nude picture hanging over his bed.
- Have frightful dream in which Elizabeth Bennett marries Mr Darcy, loses a leg, plays the piano in the nude and is pursued by flock of symbolic sheep from room to room of vast baroque mansion.
- Her only concession to controversy is the huge 12ft by 10ft portrait of her nude, painted by artist Richard Rowley, who she married five years ago after a 10-week romance.
- Hot nude collection
- On my last visit I swam in the Grjtagj pools - a true delight for someone so young and so unused to mixed nude dipping.
- Why do they always perform the whole show in the nude?
- The six normally spent their working week posing as nude models in the Manchester Regional College of Art.
- As the crowd grew, pressing against the window, the Divisional Police Commissioner Rousselet, who had been keeping an eye on events, sent a policeman down with orders to have the nude painting removed from the window.