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Перевод: nurse speek nurse

няня ; нянька ; кормилица ; мамка ; сиделка ; санитарка ; медицинская сестра; медсестра ; колыбель ; нянченье; пестование; дерево, посаженное для того, чтобы дать тень другим деревьям; рабочая пчела; рабочий муравей;
кормить; кормить грудью; выкармливать; вскармливать; сосать; брать грудь; нянчить; вынянчивать; ухаживать; обхаживать; выхаживать; лечить; быть сиделкой; выращивать; лелеять; питать; таить; беречь; растить; ласкать; стараться задобрить; экономно хозяйничать


  1. So I wasn't bitter when I put myself into the hands of the surgeon and that splendid bank nurse was so thoughtful as to ask me the question.
  2. When I did Nurse Ratchett in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest up in Manchester I read the novel and found a speech in the book that was really wonderful on the character and I asked the director if I could read it for him.
  3. Nurse bodkin winked in delight as she waltzed past.
  4. If uniforms distinguish the different grades of nursing and domestic staff, then this is useful information for the nurse to communicate to the patient.
  5. "They're going to get the nurse again," said her companion.
  6. Now she is in her second year and is expected to become a Registered General Nurse (RGN).
  7. Treatment may include helping the person to regain control of the bladder with help from a community nurse or continence adviser.
  8. The vast majority from the most senior consultant to the most junior nurse worked long hours and responded to daily emergencies in a way that was an object lesson to us all.
  9. The nurse had brought along a male friend of his.
  10. After a few feeble and dispirited attempts to rotate his shoulders in a circular movement, or raise and lower his arms, he subsided with a groan and lay slumped until the nurse helped him up again and the torture continued.
  11. Lucie Manette's devoted nurse and protectress, rather brusque in manner but with a heart of gold.
  12. A beautiful Philippino nurse with a warm smile slid out of - as we slid into - a small office.
  13. Rose Brady had come home from Glasgow to nurse her father and stayed on irresolutely after his death, one day stretching into days.

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