Перевод: nurse
[существительное] няня ; нянька ; кормилица ; мамка ; сиделка ; санитарка ; медицинская сестра; медсестра ; колыбель ; нянченье; пестование; дерево, посаженное для того, чтобы дать тень другим деревьям; рабочая пчела; рабочий муравей; [глагол] кормить; кормить грудью; выкармливать; вскармливать; сосать; брать грудь; нянчить; вынянчивать; ухаживать; обхаживать; выхаживать; лечить; быть сиделкой; выращивать; лелеять; питать; таить; беречь; растить; ласкать; стараться задобрить; экономно хозяйничать
- So I wasn't bitter when I put myself into the hands of the surgeon and that splendid bank nurse was so thoughtful as to ask me the question.
- When I did Nurse Ratchett in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest up in Manchester I read the novel and found a speech in the book that was really wonderful on the character and I asked the director if I could read it for him.
- Nurse bodkin winked in delight as she waltzed past.
- If uniforms distinguish the different grades of nursing and domestic staff, then this is useful information for the nurse to communicate to the patient.
- "They're going to get the nurse again," said her companion.
- Now she is in her second year and is expected to become a Registered General Nurse (RGN).
- Treatment may include helping the person to regain control of the bladder with help from a community nurse or continence adviser.
- The vast majority from the most senior consultant to the most junior nurse worked long hours and responded to daily emergencies in a way that was an object lesson to us all.
- The nurse had brought along a male friend of his.
- After a few feeble and dispirited attempts to rotate his shoulders in a circular movement, or raise and lower his arms, he subsided with a groan and lay slumped until the nurse helped him up again and the torture continued.
- Lucie Manette's devoted nurse and protectress, rather brusque in manner but with a heart of gold.
- A beautiful Philippino nurse with a warm smile slid out of - as we slid into - a small office.
- Rose Brady had come home from Glasgow to nurse her father and stayed on irresolutely after his death, one day stretching into days.