Перевод: nylon
[прилагательное] нейлоновый; [существительное] нейлон
- GIBSON Chet Atkins CE, nylon strung solid guitar, wine red, mint condition, with case, 650.
- The distribution of the boto and tucuxi show considerable overlap, and according to da Silva and Best, both are the victims of accidental death from entanglement in fixed nylon gill-nets.
- Outdoor shops are just sports shops, but instead of a seedy man with a moustache selling you nylon football strips and tennis balls, outdoor shops stock only merchandise connected with hill-walking, climbing, skiing and sometimes canoeing, all of which will be offered to you by rosy-cheeked young sales people in fleecy tops.
- The filters are of non stick nylon and singed polyester, filtering out particles down to 0.4 microns.
- Nylon makes a 100% recovery to its original length but does so rather slowly.
- Down the dog's back runs a nylon tape with a small karabiner at its ends, which hooks on to a tug line that is crimped on to the tow line.
- I was wearing a nylon fun-fur leopardskin coat, a hat with funny floppy bits for ears, pink fluorescent lipstick, and a pair of short sailing wellingtons.
- Ann, the caretaker sitting on the arm of one of the chairs with her pale blue nylon tabard on, cosily sipped tea.
- Material: The type of material used for the outer and inner cover of the bag: AluN-Alu coated nylon, BS-Balloon Silk, BTr-Brushed Tricot Flannel, C-Cotton, CC-Cotton Cambric, Cl-Caralight Nylon, CP-Cotton Polymide, Ct-Caratex (Caravan Fibre), FP-Fibre Pile, Go-Goretex, Fl-Fleece, M-Microlight Microfibre, N-Nylon, N219d-Nylon 219 Denier etc.
- He was wearing a nylon drip-dry shirt, open at the neck, freshly pressed trousers; he had a leather satchel of books under his arm.
- One of those kittenish creatures he remembered from the films of his childhood in the Fifties, clad in waist-high, baby-doll nightdresses, women who seemed to enjoy nothing more than lying back among the yellow nylon sheets and allowing themselves to be strangled.
- He had a thousand metres of nylon fishing-line on the marlin rod lashed to the port stay, three hundred kilos breaking-strain.
- To make nylon thread, you dissolve the amines in a liquid.