Перевод: outpost
[существительное] аванпост ; отдаленное поселение; сторожевое охранение; сторожевая застава; застава
- I first met the Southport wizard 20 years ago in a remote Welsh outpost; and within minutes we were immersed in a fascinating discussion about rises in sea level and the expanding Earth.
- The young men had been playing football against a team from the small local college at Adrar, the town which was for me the end of tarmac and the beginning of the desert; for these city boys, it was the last outpost.
- A powerful defensive outpost, Rochester Castle was an important royal stronghold for hundreds of years.
- These days, however, when he visits some outpost of that crumbling creed, he must look like its undertaker.
- PLEASE heed this impassioned cry for help from a far outpost of Active Rugby Enthusiasts!
- The "last outpost of freedom", over one hundred miles from West Germany and only forty miles from the Polish border.
- BAT inherited the Australian outpost when it bought Eagle Star in 1984.
- Two American soldiers of fortune, Wolfie (Tom Waits) and the half-Cheyenne Moon (Tom Berenger), arrive in a remote river outpost.
- Deep in the heart of the Soviet Union lies the KGB's most closely-guarded outpost - a replica of small-town USA where future spies are raised as Americans.
- Keld is the last outpost of civilisation in Swaledale, secluded in a hollow of the hills; it is an oasis of cultivated fields enclosed by stone walls, each with its barn, in a surround of barren and inhospitable moorlands.
- It's the largest of the twelve islands in the Dodecanese, it's the major eastern outpost of Greece, it's stunningly beautiful and one of the most idyllic places in the Med.
- After a whole series of adventures and a long walk they managed to get to Tozeur, a desert outpost held by the Free French.
- Clearly the tiny outpost was awaiting demolition, but maybe that wouldn't come for many years.