Перевод: patterned
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- With or without turn-ups - but short nevertheless - worn with black shoes, black socks, patterned polo shirts.
- Under the window was a heavy table, thick-legged and partly covered with an oilcloth patterned in faintly tartan checks.
- Cut a strip of patterned giftwrap 30 7cm.
- To introduce daylight into each of the new upper-storey bedrooms, instead of puncturing the patterned brickwork of the gables, it was decided to construct large dormer windows matching the style of the existing windows of the lower storey.
- Grout is usually white, but you can buy coloured grout if you want to make a feature of the grout lines (an effect that looks best with plain or fairly neutral patterned tiles).
- The curtains were of dark chintz patterned with medallions.
- The afternoon was cool and easy under a patterned lace curtain of cloud.
- The patron , M. Duthoit, was a comfortable sort of fellow with his green and blue patterned cardigan and spectacles dangling at his breast.
- The seemingly harmless cone shells, attractively patterned and very slow-moving, can kill with their sting and human medicine has to date found no antidote.
- The routes to satisfaction are patterned by internal or dispositional constraints so that the behaviours concerned tend to lead to an end that is characteristic of a species.
- But what one chiefly saw was a landscape patterned by the long lines of vine running up to the wooded hilltops, a supremely domesticated landscape.
- "This," said Jan taking a seat on top of a rolled up patterned carpet, "was Kylie Minogue's bedroom carpet - or Charlene's, I should say."
- Black and white patterned handknitted chunky sweater, 19.99.