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Перевод: penalize speek penalize

наказывать; делать наказуемым; штрафовать; ставить в невыгодное положение


  1. That approach consists of a code of good practice (The Highway Code), a requirement that drivers pass a qualifying test, and a network of offences to penalize those who deviate from proper standards.
  2. Hitherto departments had not been allowed to carry forward underspends into the next financial year though the Treasury was allowed to penalize departments by deducting overspends from the next year's targets.
  3. A strong IBM theme was that any attempt to penalize IBM would simply lead to an increased Japanese market share.
  4. In extreme cases perhaps it is, but relief should not be refused unless the applicant's conduct or motive makes it inappropriate to award the relief sought in this case: courts should not refuse relief in order to penalize an applicant for bad conduct unrelated to the relief sought.
  5. Darwinians have usually chosen to discuss genes whose phenotypic effects benefit, or penalize, the survival and reproduction of whole bodies.
  6. One disputed point is whether words alone can constitute an assault: the preponderance of authority is probably that mere words, unaccompanied by any threatening conduct, cannot amount to an assault, but if the point of the offence is to penalize the creation of fear of imminent attack, it is difficult to see why utterances such as "Get out the knives" or "Let's hit them" should be regarded more indulgently than a raised hand.
  7. Selection is likely to penalize a cheater if cheating has subsequent adverse effects on his life that are greater than the benefits of not reciprocating.
  8. English law contains a number of offences which penalize the driving of a car on a road in a manner which may cause harm.
  9. What was needed was a much improved rail link to Southampton, backed by a tax policy that would penalize motor vehicles and favour the railways.
  10. The powers were occasionally complicated to use and could sometimes penalize their user.
  11. Though regulatory law is in general framed to penalize leniently, complaints are sometimes made (particularly by enforcement agents) that the levels of penalty imposed are themselves derisory.
  12. If the population already happens to be dominated by genes for pathway 1, selection will favour other genes for pathway 1, and penalize genes for pathway 2.
  13. Whenever you catch yourself speeding up in a car to get through a red light, deliberately penalize yourself by turning right at the next corner.

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