Перевод: percentage
[прилагательное] процентный; [существительное] процентное содержание; процент ; процентное отношение; процентное отчисление; часть ; доля ; количество [существительное]
- When it was in trouble early this year, the gap between at- and out-of-the-money put options was two or three percentage points; most dealers assumed, correctly, that France's central bank would hold the line.
- With its variable mortgage rate at 8.5%, as we go to press the NP is offering first-timer mortgages at rates of 5.95% (equivalent to an annual percentage rate of 8.8%) or 6.25% (APR 8.9%) fixed until 1 January 1994.
- In Lewis, machair is a small percentage of the total area and it occurs in a variety of forms; small bayhead units, larger east coast elements north of Stornoway, complex beaches and strands in the southwest at Uig and semi-continuous expanses between Barvas and Ness on the northwest coast.
- The rate of inflation can be calculated as the percentage annual increase in the Retail Price Index (RPI).
- For language skills which are first seen to occur in children of very different ages, it may be more helpful to choose the age by which a given percentage (for example, 50 per cent) of the total sample has shown evidence of that skill.
- It is a small percentage (perhaps between five and twenty per cent of bereaved people) who need more than this.
- (Even in response to prompting, only one person in the entire sample said that this was an effective annual percentage rate of charge - and he was a bank manager.)
- There is also a small percentage (5-;7 per cent) of polysaccharides), some water (20-;25 per cent) and an enzyme, laccase (l per cent), which acts as the hardening agent.
- Mr Mitsotakis, who stood aside for one of his backbenchers, Tzannis Tzannetakis, to form an interim government with the support of the left, is confident of gaining the extra 2-3 percentage points needed for an overall majority next month.
- The table shows the percentage of respondents that predicted dominance in five years' time for each of seven operating systems listed in the table.
- In percentage terms the number of larger mammals, including primates, is very low.
- Had it been the director with a retained shareholding of 30 shares who had died on 31 December 1986, his estate too would have had the benefit of business assets relief, but at a lower percentage deduction.
- The percentage carbon content of a coal is important because the calorific value depends on it.