Перевод: psychological
[прилагательное] психологический
- Schacht made soothing noises and promised Lipski that there was no real crisis at all - merely a psychological one.
- These involve physical, financial, and psychological hardships including the loss of liberty, goods and services, heterosexual relationships, autonomy, security and life chances post-custody.
- This essence or idea, which is based on a psychological evaluation, is then matched with the essence of the patient in question.
- Nonetheless an evolutionary approach to human social life permits a broad perspective in which the emergence of the social psychological domain from the biological can be traced.
- The first part of his book is an extended essay in counter-theory, intended as a prolegomenon to the second part, which offers a study of Shakespeare in terms of moral and psychological realism.
- In a large-scale Swedish study of intervention with self-poisoners, patients in one group were offered psychiatric, social, and psychological help whereas another group was offered traditional care (Ettlinger 1975).
- In some patients, psychological disorders may be even more important.
- "Oh, if you're going all psychological!" snorted Breeze, and Gay laughed.
- The role of the angel as an intermediary between the human and the mystical world, and its elaborate beautifying as a vehicle of the dream, would seem to tie in closely with Glauber's identification of a continuing thread of psychological resistance in Latin American culture.
- When I ask for something it is because I think it is worth trying but in this case the very clear proviso about needing to buy was a strong psychological deterrent to investing the time and effort needed to learn yet another keyboard technique and language.
- This is probably not a planned strategy, but the result of constant tiredness, busy programmes or some of the physical discomforts or psychological problems already mentioned.
- Moreover, he assesses such people (in his book The Nightmare , 1985) as being "markedly open and defenceless, not having developed the psychological protection most people have they have thin boundaries (between conscious and unconscious states) and let things through."
- Horses have a number of psychological needs, too, and if these are not satisfied the horse is likely to become anxious or depressed.