Перевод: puff
[существительное] дуновение; порыв ; порыв воздуха; струя воздуха; дымок ; клуб дыма; пуховка ; буф ; стеганое покрывало; стеганое пуховое одеяло; слойка ; слоеный пирожок; незаслуженная похвала; дутая реклама; жизнь ; [глагол] дуть порывами; дымить; курить; раскуриваться; выпускать; пускать клубы дыма; пыхтеть; пудрить; пудриться; преувеличенно расхваливать или рекламировать; важничать; кичиться
- Chinese, Indians and Malays puff away to the delight of cigarette manufacturers.
- There had been stone dragons, and jade dragons so delicate that they disintegrated at a puff of breath.
- The motive power was by hand - there was a crank on either side at the bottom, though Mr. Golding was a powerful man, he was hard put to it to operate the lift on his own and used to puff whilst doing it.
- At this height the street plans of their towns look like writhing maggots, and a puff of cloud conceals an entire farm.
- Tip a little loose powder into the palm of your hand and pat the powder puff into it.
- Down by the bus station I was followed by a gang of youths chanting "Puff, the Magic Dragon".
- Every dozen or so cheeses I'd sigh and say "Gra, is this really funny?" and he'd puff on his pipe calmly and say, "Yes, get on with it."
- As you do so, come up onto your toes, hands and fingers out-stretched above your head, then in one quick puff let out all the breath through your mouth.
- There are no obvious signs of engine wear though a small puff of smoke exhausts following a warm start.
- As the bus pulled from the curb, I saw the fat gate-guard and two others puff out the side door of the terminal looking in all directions.
- Before the cinema opened the men on the staff were given cigars to puff, so that when you came into the foyer it had that smell of luxury.
- The blinking was a reflex which could equally well have been set off by a puff of wind or a flash of light.
- He lit his Havana, took a deep satisfying puff.