Перевод: quarrel
[существительное] спор ; ссора ; раздоры ; перебранка ; повод к вражде; алмаз для резки стекла; долото; стрела самострела; [глагол] спорить; оспаривать; придираться; ссориться; браниться; рассориться; поругаться; переругаться; разругаться; поссорить; перебраниться; переругиваться; перессориться
- A fresh quarrel broke out between him and the King of France.
- The atmosphere between the three personalities was electric and one day there was a violent quarrel.
- A quarrel with someone close.
- Indeed, aggression is one of the most predictable (stable) psychological traits or attributes over the life-span; children who are particularly aggressive at the age of three are also likely to be the children who fight and quarrel most frequently at fourteen and even in early adulthood.
- : They churches will teach us to quarrel about God.
- THOMAS SHADWELL was a successful dramatist in his own day, but he made the mistake of picking a quarrel with John Dryden.
- A combination of justified annoyance, guilt and weeks of overwork blew John McLeish's temper to shreds instantly, and Francesca, seriously over-stressed and not one to duck a quarrel at the best of times, responded in kind.
- I should have thought that, in the abstract, no one was likely to quarrel with that statement.
- One might, as I usually do with one of his novels, quarrel mildly about his formal devices; but that would be an irrelevant vanity.
- We have no quarrel with the delicious plastic that Tony Blackburn plays on his daytime show.
- The quarrel between faith and unbelief touched him for the first time and unsettled his mind.
- The rift between the two younger men never healed after that quarrel, and their families never spoke again.